Memory Tricks for Exams: How to Remember More in Less Time

Memory Tricks for Exams

The current pattern of testing and examinations in our country are mostly based on a student’s ability to learn and memorise the subject matter. Memorising the content of an entire syllabus can thus appear daunting at times.

Students often search for tips and tricks regarding how to memorise quickly and recall it under pressure. The preparation thus takes a lot of time and effort while also battling stress and exhaustion. Students are often put in tense situations in the last few days leading to examinations as it involves memorizing so much information. 

Get ready to unlock your memory potential with excellent assistance from the best physics teacher in India. With these tricks, you can remember more in less time. Wave goodbye to the last-minute frenzy; greet exam success. Now, let’s jump straight into the memory techniques, all to help you shine on exam day!

1. Use Mnemonics and Acronyms:

Mnemonics and acronyms are very helpful in memorising relatively complicated information. It is important for every student. It works by turning the problem into simple things which we all can remember.

Recalling such information becomes considerably easier by using this method. It involves forming words or sentences from the initial letters of a series of words. Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is a phrase to remember the order of arithmetic operations. It stands for: Parentheses, Exponent, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract.

Such abstract information could be transformed into something familiar or interesting enough for our mind to accept and to be able to store and retrieve it better. 

2. Chunking Method

Chunking serves as a great cognitive strategy. It helps you to memorize fast. It divides large amounts of information into smaller, more manageable chunks. This technique is based on a human brain’s natural ability to remember grouped information more clearly than isolated data.

For instance, while remembering historical dates, we might group them by centuries or significant events. If we joined one piece of information into meaningful clusters, we effectively reduced the cognitive load on it. It improves how well we are able to recall the subject matter.

To add more examples, instead of trying to remember a 10-digit number, many people remember phone numbers in groups of three and four digits. 

3. The Mind Palace Technique:

The Mind Palace method that is popularly known as method of loci. It is essentially a visualization strategy that associates information with specific locations within a familiar environment.

By mentally housing the items you want to remember in different rooms or areas, a vivid internal mental map is created to aid recall. For example, here are some memory tricks for exams in history. You can place the Indigo Revolution in your living room, the 1857 war in your kitchen and World War II in your bedroom. Imagining these events might help you in remembering them.

Mentally walking around your home would allow your mind to travel through the various rooms and latches upon the information. The method exploits the spatial memory which is usually stronger than the verbal memory. It is thus a very effective way of organizing and recalling information.

4. Active Recall and Self Testing:

Through active recall and self-testing, one can practice and enhance their memory techniques. It strengthens the neural connections through the retrieval of information from memory. One example would be using flashcards to quiz yourself on vocabulary words. Actively retrieving an answer by yourself would probably be more effective than just reading or highlighting notes. 

Practicing mock tests would help simulate the conditions of an examination for students. Institutions like Physics Point have suggested structured plans to familiarise students with these challenges. 

It aims to not only increase confidence but also help them strategize better. Such active recall can help leverage any reader’s study regimen to great advantages concerning a person’s ability to understand and retain material.

5. Teaching someone else:

Teaching a topic to anyone else is one of the best memory tricks for exams. The Feynman Technique usually consists of explaining the concepts in simple terms. It’s supposed to encourage you to clarify your own understanding of the subject matter. You may discover any gaps in knowledge and quickly bridge them. 

Teaching makes you organize your thoughts. Framing them logically and streamlining them also helps enhance memory. When teaching someone else, you can articulate your questions towards an issue. Their reactions can then force you to go deeper into what you’re explaining. This ongoing process of active engagement helps reinforce retention. It also helps develop a clear understanding of the matter.

So for example, if you have just learned about the water cycle, you would explain it to a friend or even speak it out aloud to yourself. These memory boosting techniques work effectively to help students memorise the subject matter in a small span of time. 

6. Use association and Storytelling

The techniques of association and storytelling are very useful. They facilitate imprinting information into memory efficiently. In this process our mind builds up associations between new scenarios and personal experiences. These in turn enhance our ability to remember.

You can try converting historical events into drama stories. Such stories would then become more interesting and easy to memorize. Such an awareness of the narrative, positively associates information with human experiences. 

It taps into our natural propensity to memorize stories. When we visualize what happened and relate it to what we have experienced, we actually establish a stronger connection, and this makes retrieval easier. It is one of the best memory boosting techniques for students.

7. Sleep Properly and Take Breaks:

Having a proper sleep schedule is among the top tips to crack NEET exam or any other competitive event actually. Sleep is in fact very important for memory consolidation. It includes the gradual transformation of a short-term memory into a long-term one.

While we sleep, the brain organizes and processes information. In doing so, our synapses are strengthened. Adequate sleep has been shown in studies to improve learning and memory retention. It is therefore fundamental to any activity that involves studying and acquiring new skills.


Memory tricks for students range from mnemonics and chunking to mind-palace-association, usage of active recall, teaching someone else, and storytelling. Aforementioned techniques are among many activities you can use to enrich your memorising skills.

Sleep and breaks are essential memory enhancement techniques. They are known to promote cognitive function and retention. You can try to integrate all these memory techniques for studying into your own learning routines. It helps you convert huge volumes of complex information into decipherable memory codes. 

The strategies here will help fulfill all your goals. Be it a call for learning some new skills, or highlighting facts that are important. Students are advised to create and practice their own memory enhancing techniques. Tutoring platforms like Physics Point provide fun and intriguing methods to help you develop these skills. 

These skills in return, cater to improving academic performance and grant you a richer level of understanding, encouraging the learner to engage with the subject in a more meaningful way. These can lead you to success, not only at school but in life in general.

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